Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The thrills of Paranormal Activity 2

Paranormal Activity shook up our cinema screens last Halloween when it presented some decidedly creepy thrills, relying on the universality of the fear about things that go bump in the night. Once again, in "Paranormal Activity 2" we watch a lot of time-coded surveillance footage, looking for ominous shifts in small objects and doors that swing open and shut on their own. The main difference is that disturbing things happen in the night and the daytime at this house.

Personally, I feel that the idea of a 90-minute standoff between Kristi and her terrified family implied by the advertising excited me enough to invest some thought that Paranormal Activity 2 might actually deliver. Since I have already watched the first movie, I think it makes sense to watch the sequel to continue the plot where it left off, and probably anticipate more sequels to come.


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