Monday, December 6, 2010

South Korea vows to strike back North if attacked again.

For those whom were missing from the face of Earth these past few days, North Korea launched an attack against South Korea 2 weeks ago. This is rather not surprising for me as the tension between both states has been brewing for years and years. From the beginning of the Cold War between USA and USSR till now, capitalism and communism has been locking horns with each other repeatedly.

With communism in USSR falling due to the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev, only Peoples' Republic of China, North Korea, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam and Tibet are regarded as communist countries till now. And, with capitalism as the dominant ideology in most countries and states, its no wonder that North Korea attacked South Korea as it was afraid that its 'belief' was dying off.

The Korean war, which took place in 1950, was between North Korea, backed up by USSR and China, and South Korea, backed up by the United Nation (also known as UN and, previously known as LON).
Thus, its no surprise that China and USA will be going to the aid of their fellow people in times of need. Regarding South Korea vowing to strike back, well, I think it's about time they do so.

North Korea has always been a 'bully' towards South Korea, and it's time to stand up to the bully. But as many say, violence is not the answer to everything. South Korea should use both diplomacy and deterrency. They should get UN diplomats to intervene in this crisis and try to put a stop to this long-overdued issue. If diplomacy doesn't work, force should be used.

Thus, I hope that unlike the previous time when many innocents lose their lives due to competing ideologies, measures should be taken ahead to ensure that no innocent life is sacrificed in the game of survival. Thank You.


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