Monday, October 25, 2010

What is scarier than Paranormal Activity2....

The much anticipated movie is finally out in theatres. Paranormal Activity 2 in now showing in various cinemas in Singapore. For those who loves to get a thrill out of horror flicks or for those who believe there are other ‘beings’ out there, this movie is definitely for you. Continuing from the first sequel, PA2 is a video footage that centers on the paranormal activities of a ‘supposed demon’ that is harassing the lives Kristi, her husband Dan and their newborn son. This movie actually answers some of the questions from the first movie if you have watched it. After reading this article, I feel that it is worth the money to buy the tickets as I am a fan of horror movies. I guess what PA2 is trying to portray to audiences like so many other movies that talks about how the spiritual realm does indeed exist is that if there is  God, without doubt, there is a possibility that demons do exists also. If you are weak-hearted, I suggest that you shouldn’t watch it.


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