Monday, January 10, 2011

Michael Jackson: on trial yet again

Michael Jackson may have accidental overdose on prescription pills which resulted in his death. He also required powerful painkillers which can be highly addictive, thus resulting in overdosing.

If he really was overdosed on drugs, then I feel that Dr Murray is fully responsible for it. Because it calls into question the responsibility of the doctors who prescribed these pills to him and how safe and addictive are these pills for the public to take.

Dr Murray is also accused of administering the powerful anesthetic - propofol to the singer to help him sleep and failing to monitor him. How irresponsible can this doctor get? Since it is a powerful anesthetic, he should monitor him closely. If he did monitored him, Michael Jackson may not have died.

But since he have already died, we should just let him rest in peace and hopefully the media can stop making up stories of how he died.


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